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Men’s Club




Yom HaShoah Candle Program

April 8, 2021 – Nisan 26, 5781


This year, due to logistical issues, we are making the Yellow Candle available via Mail order only. Please fill in the coupon below and send it to Temple Beth El with your check drawn to the order of the Men’s Club. Thank you in advance for your support.
Please be as generous as you can be. Every Dollar counts.
YES: I am proud to support the Yom HaShoah Candle Program. Name me among those who will not let the memory of the Six Million fade away.
DONATION: _$18.00 _$36.00 _$54.00 _$72.00 _$90.00 Other $_____
CITY:  _____________   STATE: ______ ZIP________ TELEPHONE______________ E-MAIL ___________


Men’s Club Man of the Year 2019

Men’s Club Man of the Year 2019



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